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The Search Is On

For a new church that will be closer to Fort Belvoir.  I was SURE that the church we decided to try today would be IT, but it just wasn’t a fit for us. 

The sad thing is that we liked the class, the people, they were doctrinally sound (according to our beliefs – I understand that everyone has different beliefs) and the preacher. 

So what was there NOT to like?  We are just in a different situation.  It’s amazing how when you have children who require different things, you have to change your own view of what you find acceptable and do-able. 

So what didn’t work for us??

*Class times/Worship times weren’t the actual times they started.  I don’t mind people starting late; heck, I’ve never been on time for anything in my life.  But there is a DIFFERENCE between 10 minutes and 40 minutes (especially when you have children involved who get cranky, hungry and fussy).  Bottom line – if we didn’t have children this wouldn’t be an issue, but we do…and therefore it is. 
*I want more of a focus on the kids worship/classes/programs.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I grew up in a smaller church where the kids go to class then join the adults for the hour long worship.  And there are benefits to that.  But speaking from experience, children don’t GET anything out of that spiritually.  That is my belief anyway.  I didn’t when I was little.  I want my children to be learning on their level in a “children’s church or something that engages them.  Keeping a baby quiet in service does nothing for anyone.  The parents are drawing, looking at books, driving cars, feeding cheerios, etc and they aren’t gaining what they should be gaining.  So this has now become a top priority.
*And not to mention that we have Eli who WILL BE HOME SOON (hopefully), and having a child on the Autism spectrum who loves to learn but who would be getting nothing out of auditorium sitting, requires something different.  He does GREAT in school…he loves to learn in that setting, and he NEEDS something more interactive to get anything out of the service. 

So doctrine is not the only factor for us anymore.  And it may require some creativity on our part to make it workable for all of us.  But for me the purpose of going to church isn’t about our attendance record, it’s about our growth and our individual/family growth.  So our search will continue… Maybe we’ll have better luck next week…


  1. They have a buddy system at my church. I would definitely look for one that would be willing to offer up a buddy for Eli!
    It makes a big difference in your ability to attend and worship.

  2. Sometimes I go through a whole worship service and have no idea what it was about because I am so busy trying to keep my child from distracting others! Good Luck in finding a church home!

  3. Amen!!

    We are loving the church in Weatherford. It has everything you have described in your "wants". Having a childrens' hour during the actual worship service has been such a huge blessing. I have gotten more out of the last two Sundays than I have in four plus years.

    Good luck with your search. I will keep you guys in my prayers. Finding the right church is stressful but oh-so-worth it in the end.

  4. I have no idea what kind of church you are looking for, but when I went to church as a kid, my favorite was a non-denominational one we attended. They had kids church while the adult church was going on. Of course the kids could go to the adult church if they wanted. The kids church had lots of fun activities and sometimes even field trips. It was a lot of fun. Have you ever looked into the non-denominational ones?

  5. Ha ha ha ha ha ahha ha ! "Heck, I've never been on time for anything in my life" ...woman, we were separated at birth!

  6. Baloney - I've thought a lot about your experience with the buddy system in school, and I hadn't even thought of it in church! I will definitely look into that and ask about trying it when we find our *home*.

    Shawna - Thank you!!!

    Melinda - I have thought about you guys so much lately...I'm so glad that you are HAPPY there!!! Heck, I may come to church with you when I'm home next!!! ;) Thank you for the good luck wishes!

    Wendy, that is just what we are looking for! I've found a couple more that I'm willing to try, so we'll see. Hopefully we will find a good fit.

    Charity...haha!!! :) Well, we were almost reunited in the slammer!!!! :)

  7. Good might call the offices of the churches you find that you're interested in and see if they have a high ratio of health care professionals, I know that won't really help where dealing w/Eli is concerned, but it may mean that he is met w/more tolerance. And consider branching out of the denomination you grew up in (I'm sure you've thought of that, but it's worth mentioning in case you hadn't). After all, the doctrine isn't necessarily preached every Sunday-and what is preached is where the spiritual food comes from!! You're right, 40 minutes is RIDICULOUS..... :) Good luck, we're starting our search this weekend (sucks to start the church search on Easter weekend!!)


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