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Halloween Festival

Wow...all I can say is that it is 8:15 am and my two little munchkins are still asleep. I would still be sleeping if it weren't for some whistle blowing maniac 12 stories down on the street. Who knows what the guy is doing, but I won't be doing anything crazy like yelling down from my window to cut it out (like I really want to do).

Sunday afternoon we took the boys up to Rockville, Maryland for their Halloween Fest. It was so much fun! Rockville is set up to have this town square feel, and it is really warm and inviting. Here is a picture I found on a website...

So you kind of get the idea. But anyway, they had live kids music which was FANTASTIC fun and Chase just danced and danced all afternoon, tractor pulled hayrides, face painting, balloon artists, trick or treating, maizes, pumpkin painting, soap carving, and the Aveda salon was giving free hand and foot massages for the moms and dads! So we had a blast. Here are some pics of our day...

Eli went as Prince Caspian

And Chase went as a dragon.

Here's my sweet baby dancing with all the other little kiddos...

Here's Eli getting his balloon sword...

Here we all are on the hayride...

Here's Chase climbing on a rock in their rock park...

It was such a great day!

Well, that's all for now; the boys got up an hour and a half ago, and I've had this just sitting here, so I figured I'd post it and write more later during their nap/rest time. Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Cute costumes! Glad you had such a great time.

  2. That looks like a lot of fun. You don't have to be in rural Oklahoma for a Halloween Hayride! Love the boys costumes, and the pic of all the babies dancing!

  3. Thanks guys! It was a really neat day! :)

  4. I used to live very close to Rockville. It was so nice to see a bit of it again. :) Great costumes!

    Thanks for visiting on my BAtW day! :)

  5. That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could find a place like that her in San Diego. Great costumes, too! Love the picture of the dragon climbing over the rocks- it looks real!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog for the BATW layover!


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