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Jordan is here!

First off I have to say that my brother and his girlfriend Callie are visiting, and we are having the best time. This is the first time we've met Callie, and she is so sweet! They don't read my blog, so I can say without embarassing them that I love her, I think they are just precious together and I'd be so happy if she stuck around! I'm going to attach a couple of pictures from our day...I'll post more later when I'm not so sleepy!! Here's one of Jordan and Callie at the Natural History Museum and then them obviously in front of the Washington Monument (otherwise referred to the "tall, white, pointy thing").

Okay, well I suppose that's it for tonight. I have so much on my brain tonight that it's not really making sense when I type it out, so I'll spare you the details and save the rest for later!! Enjoy your weekend everybody!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute couple & I hope you enjoy their visit!!!


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