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Taking the Leap - 1st Brain Injury Appt

For years...since 2012...I have been doing a pretty good job of keeping the fact that I had a TBI that has resulted in memory loss pretty private.  You may know I have memory loss, but I promise you that you don't know the full extent of it.  Over the past few months especially, it has gotten increasingly worse and much more noticeable.  Most people just let me repeat stories to them (which I wish they wouldn't), but the kids, Norman, and my two closest girlfriends know I like to be told, " just told us this story yesterday".  I have prayed for it to improve, and I've also just tried to ignore it as if it will just go away.  It isn't.  It wasn't until I actually could not remember a date night that Norman and I had where I realized...ok...I need to grow up. Address this obviously worsening problem. So tomorrow I have my first appointment to address this.  It will probably be a long process of referrals and brain scans and who knows what else.  But just like I kept track of Eli's health issues on his blog, I want to keep track of my brain injury journey here.  It's scary to admit this, because I have tried so hard to keep it from being public knowledge.  But I know I'm not alone.  As of now, my symptoms include: forgetting conversations, dates and outings, and having trouble with word recall.  I want to keep track so that I will be able to tell if this will improve, stay the same, or worsen.  I have so much in my life to be thankful for...I just want to be able to remember it all.  ❤️

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