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3rd Times the Charm!

Well, after two failed home inspections, we have finally found THE HOUSE. This is honestly the home we should have held out for, but we were so anxious to get settled that we tried to force things, and that never works well. 

The only issues that we faced were these three. 1.  It was a liner pool...not a gunite (concrete) pool. But that is something we can convert ourselves, so it wasn't a deal breaker. Neither was issue  number 2.  It didn't have a heater. Ok, so that will cost more money, but the pool is large, with a deep end...(FINALLY! A pool we can indeed swim in) so we will just put a heater in ourselves. And then issue 3.  The boys really needed a saltwater pool, as both boys have psoriasis, and chlorine is very harsh on the skin. That was something we knew going into this that we expected to have to change, as most pools are chlorinated. 

Except...we found out later, to our complete shock, that the pool IS gunite!!  And then, to our amazement, we found that it indeed does have a heater. By this point we were ecstatic and just knew we had indeed found our home. But to just add to our shock, during the inspection, we were informed that this pool was a saltwater pool. I think by that point we were in awe of the little miracles the home had in store for us.  

My sister-in-law actually found the home for us, the day the listing hit the market.  What stood out to her was a photo of some custom made doors. They were painted a distressed teal; done in the same style and color that I had had a custom media console made in. That caught her eye, and ours too. Everything has such custom detail...they spared no expense, and unbelievably enough it was in our budget. We are so completely in awe of how God has taken care of us and made it clear to us all that He has been by our side every step of the way. 

Here are a couple of photos of the home from the listing photos and a quick video of our miracle pool. We are almost home...almost there. We are so thankful...God is so unbelievably gracious to our family; we are so undeserving of His generosity, but we will just keep holding tight to Him. 

I hope everyone reading this has a fantastic week, and that you get your own miracle very, very soon. XO 💖

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