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My Baby is 18!

When I saw the last entry I wrote was in August, I was really frustrated with myself. I seriously am trying to be better at blogging, but I am obviously doing a really crap job of it. 

A few weeks ago the 4 of us flew out to Washington DC so  Norman and I could have in person appointments with our surgeons. Luckily they will continue to keep us on even though we moved to Oklahoma, so the appts went well, and we were really happy to be out there soaking up a little bit of the DC we love so much. 

We were able to go to the Bible Museum, and we ate at the cutest tavern...Gadsby's Tavern for dinner. 

You know how some things happen in your life that you just can't just find yourself in a situation you had no control over in it. So last week was one of the times for sure. We had flown into DC on Saturday morning, and we were staying in our favorite resort down at National Harbor. I was tired and cranky and sore, so we were going to send the boys up the street to buy us waters and snacks for the hotel room.  Normally the boys go or Norman goes. But for whatever reason, I decide that even though my back is screaming and my legs and feet are burning, I decide that we should all go as a family. No idea why. So we start heading down toward CVS, and we start seeing all these people and hearing all this music. So just to be clear, we were all really tired. All we wanted was water, some breakfast foods and snacks, and then we wanted to take quick showers and go straight to sleep. But instead we found ourselves headed toward the wharf, following the music and the crowds, and we walked smack dab in the middle of  "The U.S. Army Band, Pershing's Own". We were pretty much all overwhelmed and there's no doubt we are staying right here. I always...ALWAYS get teary-eyed when I see that look that Norman gets on his face any time military bands perform. He was a music major...I mean, he wanted to be in the Army Band, but life takes you down many winding roads that sometimes, even after a successful military career, plus a successful career now with the government, he has so much to be proud of. Our trip was so incredible!

Saturday was Eli's 18th birthday party. He had several friends over from church and his theatre class, and they had a great pool party (thanks to the pool heater for making it possible to swim in October)!

We also have some family news! My brother and SIL had their 3rd baby...he is such a doll!  Our boys got hired to work at a haunted house every weekend, so after we drop them off tonight, Norman and I are gonna meet our sweet new nephew, Oliver Crew. 

We have had so many tornadoes this week. 5 yesterday morning, but none of us were affected. We have already been hit by one, so I will be happy to never have to endure that again!

So that's all for now! Here are some random photos of the past few weeks.
Sweet cousins. They had the whole house to play in, but they were more interested in the dog kennel lol.

                 Happy 18th Birthday Eli!

A couple of DC shots. 😊

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