I can't believe we have been in our home for 3 weeks now; today is actually 3 weeks since move-in day. What have we accomplished? Absolutely nothing. 😂 When I look at how much we have moved around and figure that this finally is our last move, I figure I will have plenty of time to get settled. Of all the things I planned to do as soon as we moved in and didn't, I am regretting that I waited too long to get ahold of someone to put up Christmas lights, because now it just seems like a waste of money since we would have to pull them down January 2nd. We haven't even gotten our Christmas tree up yet. I am pretty decided that whenever I get around to it, I will just put it up and call it early prep for next Christmas.
We had a nice Thanksgiving with all of our Oklahoma and Texas family. Well, not all our TX family...just the Brinson side. We haven't seen Norman's side of the family for a while. Several years in fact, and I can't believe it's been as long as it has.
We are enjoying our new home, to the extent that it's almost weird. The kids' bedrooms are smaller, but even despite that, they both have expressed many times how happy they are here. And even though there is no logical reason for why, I feel safer here. Maybe because this house is smaller, and we have a good feel for the entire space? It's not big enough for someone to be hiding upstairs or something. Regardless, I am so thankful to be in a one-storey house and to have eliminated the stairs and the risks associated with them for both myself and Chase.
This week the boys will be getting new beds that will fit their space better, and we will get their desks assembled. I also have a standing locker plus standing dressing mirror with makeup and jewelry storage to get set up in my bedroom. Organization is the goal for us, and we have a lot to get put together and set up over the next week or two...or however long it stretches out for us to get things assembled lol. Have I mentioned how lazy relaxed we have been in getting settled? 😆
Well, I suppose that's all for now. We have been spending this chilly Sunday in bed, snuggling with our kitty cats and getting caught up on our shows. We finished The Crown, at least we got caught up until they drop the next 6 episodes. And now we are getting caught up on For All Mankind. Next up is Bass Reeves; basically we are being bums today, and we are enjoying every bit of the lazy day. So we don't have a lot of news worthy info, but I'm attaching a quick video that has just a very few clips of our new home. The furniture is not ours; I took the recordings when we had gone the day of the inspection. Eventually I will post pictures when we get it settled with our things. I hope everyone has a fantastic week! Ciao bebes!
💗Finally home💗
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