But that decision didn't take away my desire to help others and do something meaningful in my life. So what I have decided to do, is develop courses, write articles, and offer remote sessions that focus on all things boundary related. I am just now starting on my first program/course, and I am really excited to have found a way for me to do something I love. To be able to help others without the enormous drain on me physically and mentally is just the perfect direction for me to go.
I will be sharing my progress as I go along, and although I will be creating a classroom type portal where all of my courses and other materials will be listed, I will be cross posting a lot of that stuff (early release!)in here, as well as continue blogging about my family.
My oldest kiddo graduated last May, and he just started with a company this past Monday. So he is on his way to being a full fledged adult! And my baby is going to be a Jr. in highschool in August. So as our kids get older and do more things out on their own, and as Norman and I kind of do some slowing down, my personal blog posts will only be occasional. Of course I've been pretty bad at keeping this blog updated the past few years, so I suppose that part won't change much.
For anyone reading this post who is interested in boundary setting, please follow my blog, as I will post some things here first, before I post them on my education platform. Please leave me comments with any boundary setting questions you have, and I will happily cover the reasons for boundary setting for your specific situations. Whether it is parent/child, sibling, friend, dating, marriage...I will be covering all types of relationships. I look forward to digging into this topic with you all! Have a wonderful weekend!
Coming Soon!
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