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I have been struggling to decide what I wanted to do with this blog, because I have been pretty unmotivated to keep up with it as it is. But after a lot of thought, I have decided on the direction I want to go. Several years ago I started working on my Master's degree in psychology and marriage and family counseling. It was about that time that I received my diagnosis of POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). That started to really affect my life, and it wasn't too much longer before I was also diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos, and a probably/likely form of blood cancer called Polycythemia-Vera. Between learning how to navigate the challenges that these diagnoses created, I also was realizing that traditional therapy/counseling was not something I wanted to take on. For a huge part of my life I have been able to read people and as a consequence of that, I have been absorbing the feelings and emotions of others. I finally realized that this is too much of a drain on me physically, spiritually, and mentally. I'm sure everyone has at least some sort of understanding of what an empath is, as the term gets tossed around pretty liberally. But for the true empaths out there, you understand what it's like to be absorbing so many feelings and personalities. It is exhausting, and it takes a huge toll on your body. I have always prioritized my alone time, but for several years I have honestly loved being at home with my family, and I have made a conscious choice to keep being a homebody. 

But that decision didn't take away my desire to help others and do something meaningful in my life. So what I have decided to do, is develop courses, write articles, and offer remote sessions that focus on all things boundary related. I am just now starting on my first program/course, and I am really excited to have found a way for me to do something I love. To be able to help others without the enormous drain on me physically and mentally is just the perfect direction for me to go.

I will be sharing my progress as I go along, and although I will be creating a classroom type portal where all of my courses and other materials will be listed, I will be cross posting a lot of that stuff (early release!)in here, as well as continue blogging about my family. 

My oldest kiddo graduated last May, and he just started with a company this past Monday. So he is on his way to being a full fledged adult! And my baby is going to be a Jr. in highschool in August. So as our kids get older and do more things out on their own, and as Norman and I kind of do some slowing down, my personal blog posts will only be occasional. Of course I've been pretty bad at keeping this blog updated the past few years, so I suppose that part won't change much. 

For anyone reading this post who is interested in boundary setting, please follow my blog, as I will post some things here first, before I post them on my education platform. Please leave me comments with any boundary setting questions you have, and I will happily cover the reasons for boundary setting for your specific situations. Whether it is parent/child, sibling, friend, dating, marriage...I will be covering all types of relationships. I look forward to digging into this topic with you all! Have a wonderful weekend!

Coming Soon!

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